Cooking & Meal Planning
Let’s get cooking! This course will guide you through making a meal plan, creating a grocery list, following a recipe, and cooking a meal! You will learn about the utensils and appliances in your kitchen, healthy food choices, and kitchen and food safety skills, including knife skills, fire safety, and how long those leftovers are safe to eat! Share your favorite recipes and learn new ones from your classmates – “bon appetit!”
Course Outcomes
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Identify cooking utensils and appliances and their uses
- Recall safety and sanitation practices in a kitchen environment
- Prepare a weekly meal plan that works for your schedule, dietary restrictions, and budget
- Translate your meal plan into a grocery shopping list
- Identify ingredients and nutritional value in pre-packaged food
- Prepare a dish by following a recipe
- Unit 1: What's in the Kitchen?
- Unit 2: Kitchen & Food Safety
- Unit 3: Meal Planning
- Unit 4: Grocery Shopping & Ingredients
- Unit 5: Following a Recipe