2023 Employee SWOT Objectives

2023 Employee SWOT Objectives

2023 SWOT Objectives 

We are excited to let you know that we have recently wrapped up the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) assessment that we have been working on for several months.  After reviewing all of the returned SWOTS individually, as a team we grouped and identified frequent topics and trends.  From there, we have created a list of five main objectives that we will focus on for the next year.  See our list below. 

1. Increasing Communication 
  1. a. Explore utilizing text messaging to reach employees
  2. b. Open Forums with Leadership
  3. c. Explore best ways to communicate with each staff and team
  4. d. Employee Satisfaction Survey (every other year)
  5. e. Providing opportunities for employees to socialize with other employees in different departments/parts of the agency
  6. f. Utilize New Website (www.pslstrive.org)
2. Training 
  1. a. Add Diversity Training, including Cultural Differences
  2. b. Review onboarding
  3. c. Continue to make sure all staff receive the training that they need.

3. Focus on Mental Health Offerings 

  1. a. Offer Restore Resilience- New, Free Employee benefit for all employees
  2. b. Promote Employee Assistance Program
  3. c. Offer trainings and resources on burnout, etc.
  4. d. Conduct Wellness Challenge
  5. e. Increased social activities

4. Expansion of Serivces 

    a. Assess all programs for possible expansion

5. Employee Perks 

  1. a. Continue to research and offer additional employee perks for staff.