Employment Skills 101

Have you ever wanted a job, but weren’t sure where to start? This course will introduce the steps of career exploration, writing a resume, searching for jobs, filling out paper and online applications, and practicing interview questions to help you build your confidence and get started. You will even get to practice a few common job skills. Let’s get to work!

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Identify personal job skills
  2. Explore different career opportunities that align with your skills
  3. Develop job search tools appropriate to desired field, including resumes, letters, applications, etc.
  4. Identify specific job openings and application processes in desired area
  5. Prepare for and practice effective interview skills (both in-person and remote)
  6. Practice common job tasks, including collating; filling out forms, filing, etc.



  • Unit 1: Career Exploration
  • Unit 2: Resumes & Cover Letters
  • Unit 3: More Job Search Tools
  • Unit 4: Job Searches
  • Unit 5: Interview Skills